I began my own educational journey in Los Angeles, CA. Since we seemed eager to learn and ready for school at age four, my parents decided that they would send my twin brother and me to private school. The school I was privileged to attend for grades K-8, was exceptional, overall. I know this because after my family relocated to Oregon, I attended the local public high school and found myself bored and uninterested.
In 1999, I was faced with an educational decision for my own children. I had four littles, with my oldest two in 2nd grade and kindergarten at a local public school in Washington. There came a moment when I realized that, despite the efforts of quality teachers, this school was not able to really get to know my children to serve their individual needs, and the school was not necessarily willing to honor my family values. I withdrew my children from public school and began to homeschool. I was very fortunate to learn about an alternative school in my area I could partner with as I taught my children, and this experience led to the development of many quality, lasting relationships and a learning journey for my family that focused on my children’s individual needs, while honoring my family values. This was the best decision I ever made as a parent. These were MY children, and their education was MY choice.
I spent several years volunteering at the school and eventually began working there in 2008. I continued my work at River HomeLink until August, 2021, serving as their ALE K-12 Registrar. This provided me the opportunity to serve children, families and staff members, year after year, in a meaningful way. I gained experience in managing and overseeing enrollment and school records. I enjoyed my time training other staff at my school and school district.
In 2017, I became involved with WALA (Washington Association for Learning Alternatives) Washington Alternative Learning Association, presenting “Streamlining Your Internal Processes” with other team members. We presented at this statewide conference to teachers and administrators and the cry for help from school districts over the years eventually turned into Strike Streamlining. Our team of Google certified folks are now serving multiple school districts, using Google tools to streamline their internal processes.
In 2020, I was awarded “Friend of WALA” at the annual spring conference, for my years of volunteer work, supporting the director and WALA’s mission.
Currently, Strike Services has presented at a national conference in this same manner, representing Strike School and Strike Streamlining.
On my own journey as a parent and a school staff member, I have experienced firsthand the core of what parents and guardians face where it comes to the education of their children. As a founder and director of Strike School, my mission is to serve children and families well by giving each parent/guardian the opportunity to make THEIR choice for THEIR child, which honors their family values.